"Everybody always seemed to be thinking of some other place." This line from Newbery Honor book "Feathers" sums up the whole book for me. Frannie attends Price School with her frriend Samantha and her nemesis Miranda on the "wrong side of the highway." While everyone around her struggles with where they are and what they have or don't have, Frannie appreciates the graffiti on her building, her brother Sean's deafness and tries to help her parents through the loss of multiple babies and make them see that hope still survives. When "Jesus Boy" attends her school many of her classmates start to struggle with with hope of their own. Is he really Jesus? Is he just some strange white boy who lives on the wrong side of the highway? Or is he just a kid, like they are, struggling to keep hope alive for himself? In the end, hope is all we have and what we really need.
I really enjoyed this book. The relationship between Frannie and Sean is beautiful. The bond and strength the family has is also striking. I think this book is a wonderful read for any young person to realize that, even though you may not have all you think you want/need, you can have love, hope and family and be happy and complete.
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